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Social media sites have become increasingly popular in the 21st century. Social Media is used by leadership and the general membership to publicize Kappa Alpha Psi’s and it’s member’s events, achievements, milestones and initiatives to the general public and to foster ready communication and inquiry between the interested public and the fraternity.


Social media is defined as the websites, applications and mobile apps used for multimedia communication . Examples of such websites include, but are not limited to:


Information sent over the Internet is (typically) insecure and can eventually find its way into the public domain. This exposure is also applicable to “closed sites” such as “chat rooms” and “private sites”.

Members are encouraged to exercise extra due diligence when placing material at social media sites and should assume that it will be transmitted to the public notwithstanding any privacy controls.


The following rules must be followed for any account and any post from a chapter, officer or member of Kappa Alpha Psi.

Article Contents

Latest News

2021 Screenshot of KappaMediaKit.com

New: KappaMediaKit.com 2.0

Most of the information remains the same, but we’ve improved the interface and added new resources to Kappa Media Kit, the Branding Guide and Media Kit for Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Version

Watch: Kappa Vendors Update

A video update on our initiative for Official Vendors of our beloved fraternity.

Kappa Alpha Psi Fathead Collection

Kappa Alpha Psi & Fathead Partnership

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. is proud to announce it’s vendor partnership with Fathead.

Screen Capture of original version of KappaMediaKit.com

New Version Coming Soon

The new version of the Kappa Media Kit is coming soon.!

Watch: Province Flags Dedicated at IHQ by 33rd Grand Polemarch Battles

Kappa Alpha Psi Province Flags Dedicated at IHQ by 33rd Grand Polemarch Battles