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Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. has numerous entities which are established and/or operate independently of the fraternity, but are constitutionally bound to assit with the objectives and programs of the fraternity. These entities all have their own established brands.
Fraternal Entities
These entities are mandated by the fraternity and have an international purview.
Grand Chapter
The Grand Chapter is the entire body of initiated membership of the fraternity. The elected leader of the Grand Board of Directors and the fraternity is the Grand Polemarch. The governing body is the Grand Board of Directors.
Guide Right
Guide Right encompasses many of our youth oriented programs such as mentoring, college preparatory programs, and tutoring. However, the Flagship Initiative of the Guide Right Service Program is the Kappa Leadership Development League (Kappa League). Guide Right is a program of the educational and occupational guidance of youth, primarily inspirational and informative in character. The purposes of the Guide Right Service Program is to place the training experience and friendly interest of successful men at the disposal of youth needing inspiration and counsel regarding their choice of a life’s career, and to arouse the interest of the entire community in the problems of youth as they seek to realize lives of usefulness.
Kappa League
Kappa League is a subset of the Guide Right, our National Service Initiative. Kappa League is a program for the educational, occupational and social guidance of male students in grades 6th-12th.
Achievement Academy
The Achievement Academy is designed to enhance the social, professional, and leadership experiences of the collegiate members in the Fraternity. The vehicle by which this is to be accomplished is through the development of vibrant mentoring and coaching opportunities that empower and enhance their agency. Our central foci are to ensure retention and graduation of our members while fostering an understanding of the steps necessary that lead to advanced degree opportunities and successful transition toward their career paths.
The Kappa Foundation 501(c)3
The Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation, Incorporated exists as the philanthropic arm of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated. The VISION of the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation: To become the premier Greek letter Foundation in its resources and services to the community. The MISSION of the Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation: To provide support for Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated members and others in service to communities with particular emphasis on
African-American communities. The priority purpose of the Foundation is to raise money to award grants for community projects which are intended to enhance the lives and status of the underclass of our society. All grants are restricted to non-profit entities.
Membership Training Academy
The official training program for aspirants to membership in Kappa Alpha Psi.
Senior Kappa Affairs
The purpose of the Senior Kappa Affairs Endowment Fund is to raise funds to provide financial resources to fund increased and sustainable programs and services for senior members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
“It’s time that we support those that have served Kappa the longest…”
Kappa Alpha Psi Commission on Military and Veterans Affairs was established with the goal of the Commission to offer programs and
services related to the needs of Veterans. Veterans have made an important contribution to the community by their service in the
Armed Forces of this Nation, and Kappa Alpha Psi is committed to showing its commitment and support for all of its brothers who have served.
Undergraduate Leadership Institute
The Undergraduate Leadership Institute is a highly structured and intense leadership experience designed to increase undergraduates’ capacity to lead in multiple contexts – in the fraternity, on campus, and/or in their communities.
As an international organization Kappa Alpha Psi is comprised of twelve (12) Provinces organized for governance and management of all chapters within it’s purview. Each of these provinces has an official logo bearing trademarks of Kappa Alpha Psi.
Each province is governed by a Province Board of Directors and led by a Province Polemarch appointed by the Grand Polemarch.
Province Map
Use the map to get a general idea of the province location and territory. International chapters are listed in the labels around the map.
Read more about the Provinces of Kappa Alpha Psi at kappaalphapsi.org/provinces/.
East Central

Ohio, Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia
Visit the East Central Province Online for more information. http://ecpkapsi.com/

District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, Bermuda
Visit the Eastern Province Online for more information. https://www.epkapsi.org
Middle Eastern

North Carolina, Southern West Virginia
Visit the Middle Eastern Province Online for more information. http://mekapsi.org/
Middle Western

Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma
Visit the Middle Western Province Online for more information. http://www.kapsimwp.com/
North Central

Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota
Visit the North Central Province Online for more information. http://kapsi-ncp.org/

Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, New York, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Germany, United Kingdom
Visit the Northeastern Province Online for more information. https://KAPsiNEP.org/

Northwest Ohio, Michigan, Western New York
Visit the Northern Province Online for more information. http://kapsi-np.org/
South Central

Kentucky, Tennessee, Northern Mississippi
Visit the South Central Province Online for more information. https://www.scpkapsi.org/

Georgia, South Carolina, South Africa, Nigeria, Abu Dhabi
Visit the Southeastern Province Online for more information. http://southeasternprovince.org/

Alabama, Florida, Grand Bahamas, Republic of Panama, United States Virgin Islands
Visit the Southern Province Online for more information. http://southernprovince.org/

Arkansas, Louisiana, Southern Mississippi, New Mexico, Texas
Visit the Southwestern Province Online for more information. http://www.southwesternprovince1911.org/

Arizona, California, Nevada, Alaska, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Hawaii, Japan, Republic of South Korea
Visit the Western Province Online for more information. https://www.kapsi-western.org/